Friday, February 7, 2014

Loco Week!

Hola! This week was Spanish week! We learned Spanish words, traditions, and of course ended with a FIESTA!!!

We started off Spanish week learning all about different Spanish words. Of course we had some fun games to teach us the colors and numbers!

A game to teach Spanish numbers
On both Monday and Tuesday we read a story about a missionary family in Spain. The story talked about their rough times, but how God was always their. To remind them of God's promises they would count the stars. When I asked the students how many stars they thought there were, one student answered "100, NO! 105!" But after discussion, they decided it's probably close to a google!

After A LOT of begging for a movie, I gave in! So, we watched A Stranger in the Woods during nap time. It is such a cute movie about winter animals.

All nice and cozy!

We finished our day with more tying shoe practice. I think they're really starting to get it! If you hear your child singing a song while tying shoes, it's probably this song.

(I'm a little tea cup tune)
Bunny Ears, Bunny Ears, playing by a tree
Criss-crossed the tree, trying to catch me
Bunny Ears, Bunny Ears, jumped into the hole
Popped out the other side beautiful and bold!

The news came on Tuesday that at the end of the week, we would have a fiesta! But, I couldn't plan it all myself, they had to help! So, they each made their own pinata for the fiesta. As much as I love a challenge, I decided that paper mache might be too much. Instead we used lunch bags and tissue paper.

Their creativity was so much fun!
At the end of the day we did our little art lesson by working with water colors. We made masking tape trees, and painted over them. When we take the tape off, the trees will stay white! 
 They were all so proud of their artwork!
I can't wait to take the tape off and see the finished products!

FIESTA TIME!!! The snow was making me nervous that we wouldn't get our party, but luckily we stuck with a two hour delay. Before our fiesta, we had to work hard to learn first. The book we read was Skippyjon Jones by Judy Schachner. It's about a cat that thinks he's a chihuahua, and it's filled with fun rhyme patterns and Spanish words! Also before the fiesta, the students had to decorate the room with streamers. I forgot to take a picture, but let's just say it was very colorful, and EVERYWHERE! Finally, at the end of the day we started our fiesta! 

First part of the fiesta was of course, the long waited for pinatas! I'm glad to say that there were no injuries! 
 Who needs bandanas when you have over sized sombreros!
 The candy inside was well worth the wait! 

Next part for our fiesta was making our own maracas! And using them to dance with the music! We finished off our fiesta with chips and salsa. Delicioso! 

New Things

New Letter Blends: th, wh

New Sight Word: Bible

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