Friday, September 23, 2016

School Outside of School!

This week was filled with many lessons that didn't take place in school! But first we'l talk about the lessons that did!

Kindergarten incorporated another vowel into their reading, "e". They also completed another reading book! Along with sounding out words, the students have also been practicing sight words. These are words that cannot be sound out, but are frequent in reading. The words the kindergartners have been practicing this week is here, mother, the, and is.

First grade have also done a lot of reading this week, and their almost done with their first unit reader books! They are also really diving into some English skills, like suffixes, plural verbs and nouns, and alphabetical ordering.

In math, Kindergarten has been continuing to learn numbers, and also started to go over ordinal numbers. First grade is learning more about number orders, subtraction, and coin value.

During our discover time this week, we finished up our unit about careers. On Monday the students learned about firefighters. We read a book and discussed their uniforms, truck, and what they do. We also did a little fire experiment about how fire burns using candles. On Tuesday we talked about the importance of dentists. After reading a book, we did an experiment where we brushed a pop-stained egg.

The first grade took a special trip on Friday to Walmart to prepare for their lemonade stand. More details about the stand will be sent home on Monday. It was a fun trip, where they were responsible for money, a grocery list, and finding the items.


Ready to Shop

Thursday was an exciting day, as we took a trip to Salamonie Reservoir. The DNRs prepared a nature hike where the students used their senses to learn more about the woods. They also learned about reptiles, and were able to touch a turtle, snake, and salamander! It was a beautiful day!

Ready for a hike.

Using our touch

Using our eyes

 Using smell
Getting ready to touch a box turtle

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