Thursday, April 7, 2016

Back to the Bible

This week has been all about what it was like to live in Bible times. On Monday we discussed the difference in houses. An overall conclusion is that we are glad to have homes with cozy beds and separate rooms! We are glad to live in a place with grass, and not a desert! At the end of the day we made Bible houses to complete our own Bible town!

 What a sweet class....
....and a little crazy

On Tuesday we discussed different types of transportation and the differences between how we travel now, and how people use to travel in the Bible. To enhance our science lesson on transportation, we put our engineering brains to work to make homemade speed ramps for toy cars. It was so fun to see all the different designs!

On Thursday we had Bible dress up day! The students could dress up as their favorite Bible character. We had Lot's Wife (I had fun freezing every time I looked back at my students!), David, Mary, Delilah, Moses, and the Princess who found Moses. 

In phonics we have learned about "bossy r". Bossy R likes to take over vowels in letter blends like "ar", "or", and "er". We have also been doing lots of review to help us learn how to sound out tricky words. A lot of words are ones that we can sound straight out like "can", "on", and other two and three letter words. Some however use grammar rules and other tricky letter blends. For these we pause, find the vowel, find the word family, find the beginning sound, and say the word. These skills will come in handy as they learn harder and harder words!

In math we have finished up a measuring section where we learned about scales, rulers, thermometers, and measuring cups. On Thursday we started a new section to expand our adding skills to add larger numbers. 

This week we also had a special guest come in for show and tell. Meet Rex, one of my student's bearded dragon! He was a lot of fun to observe and compare with Dude. Yay for impromptu science lessons!

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