Thursday, March 10, 2016

Just "Leaf" it to Kindergartners!

This week we've continued learning about the four seasons by talking about fall. On Monday we made a list of our favorite fall activities. Some things that were included were going to school (that was mine!), playing outside, building forts, picking apples, and of course... jumping in leaves! Then, using construction paper we made our own autumn leaves and wrote about them. Some leaves were being jumped in, blowing around, and falling from trees!

On Tuesday we learned about how animals prepare for the cold. I introduced words like migration, hibernation, and adapt. The students had fun acting like they were the animals preparing for the cold. Also, one student had a birthday this week! So, we ate some delicious cupcakes she brought in to celebrate.

On Thursday we learned about another fun fall activity, picking apples! We read about Johnny Appleseed and how he traveled around planting apple trees to feed hungry settlers. Did you know that he also shared the Bible with settlers along with apple trees! We then tasted different types of apples, and shared our favorites. Green was the clear favorite!

In phonics we have begun to learn about the rule, "when two vowels go walking, the first one does the talking". Be sure to ask your Kinder about the song!

In math we have been continuing to learn about coins and their values. We have just begun to count a variety of coins. So, next time you need to buy something, get your Kinder involved in counting out the change!

For a craft this week, we've made our own fall trees using our fingerprints! The colors are gorgeous!

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