Friday, April 10, 2015

Back in Bible Times

This has been a fun week learning about what it would be like to live in the Bible times! On Monday we practiced our writing skills by writing about what we would do if we lived in Bible times. Some answers were "walk to church", "ride a camel", and "help the poor". On Tuesday we made our very own Bible town. Along with making the houses we talked about what the environment is like over in Israel.
On Thursday we dressed up as our favorite Bible characters. I was so impressed to see the kids creativity! We had two Esters, two Marys, a Samual, Paul, Lydia, Moses, and Jesus. For snack time we had food that were eaten in the Bible.

In reading we have been learning more exceptions to reading rules. Let's just say it's becoming clear to the class how strange English is! This week we worked on the sounds "or" and "ar". We've also been working on exploring books and comprehending them by drawing pictures of favorite parts of books.

In math we have been continuing to work on subtraction and skip counting. We did a fun game on Tuesday where we threw "donuts" into a donut box and subtracted one that didn't make it in the box.

In art class this week we learned about Michelangelo and about his paintings on the Sistine Chapel's ceiling. We pretended that we were Michelangelo and tried to draw pictures under the tables. They made some beautiful artwork!

1 comment:

  1. Rach, you are so creative. You really make things come alive for these kids. I love reading about what goes on with you and the kids. Keep it up.
