Still cute even with crazy clothes!
Craziness runs in the family!
Even the high school goes mismatched!
Maybe one of my favorites of the day!
Just showing our true colors!
Tuesday was Dream Job day. While I love being a teacher, my dream was a Princess Ballerina. However one of my students told me that I am already a teacher, so I can no longer have dream jobs! The most popular job of the day was definitely a vet!
Vet and Chef
Fast Food workers....way to aim high girls!
A king, vet, McDonald's worker (too funny), zoo keeper, and farmer.
The last day of spirit week for the Kindergartners was character day. I dressed up as Mary Poppins, which may be an older movie than I remembered. Hardly any of my students knew who she was!
Ballerina, Anne of Green Gables, and Elsa
A princess and crocodile
Besides spirit week, we also learned some! The theme this week was Favorite Tales. On Monday the favorite tale was The Little Red Hen. The students helped with the story by acting it out!
Who could not give bread to these cuties!
On Tuesday we read about The Three Little Pigs. After the story, the students went into three separate groups, and tried to make their own house. All was going well until...the BIG BAD BLOW DRYER came! Dun dun dun dunnnnnn! But, we have a great class of builders, and all stayed up!
LOVE teamwork activities
Nice try Big Bad Blow Dryer, but not today!
On Thursday we read about the Gingerbread Man. And if you know my class and out love for snacks, you know that we couldn't do this lesson without making our own Gingerbread men!
Don't worry, none of them ran away!
In Bible time we spent the week learning about Moses. It is definitely amazing how God watches out for those who trust in Him! We also have a new Bible verse that we're memorize: Depart from evil and do good ~Psalm 34:14
We are trucking along in learning new words in phonics and reading. Reading is one of my favorite things to teach because they grow so quick with it! Thank you so much for reading at home and working on site words, it definitely shows in class!
In math we started to learn to tell time to the hour. It's a new concept, but they are catching on quick! Try catching the time on the hour at home and see if your child knows it! We also began learning the 20 family this week.
We are continuing to make fall art projects. On Monday we set out to find some leaves to help us with our next art project.
Yeah... they weren't to hard to find!
Remember it was also mismatch day!
Then on Tuesday we took the leaves and colored on top of them to show their imprints.
Looks cooler in person!
Coming up...
Fairy Tale week! We are going to be reading some magical stories and of course have some fun with them. We are also going to be learning about Ruth and Samual, the letter f, and nickles!
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