I've been so cold this week, this seems like the only logical title! But, with the cold weather comes so perks! Monday, we had a two hour delay and on Friday the first graders received a special treat for silently reading 20 books, an extra recess outside! Throughout the week we have also continued our Christmas Around the world social studies themes, and creating some fun Christmas projects to go along with it.
On Tuesday we flew to Germany, and while there we learned about their traditional Christmas treat, gingerbread! The students decorated their own gingerbread cookies to take home with them. On Wednesday we flew to Africa, and made some stockings with traditional Kenyan print.
Thursday we took a break on our theme to spread some Christmas Cheer at our local nursing home. The students did a wonderful job at singing Christmas carols, sharing memory verses, and passing out Christmas cards. We even had one student sing a solo! I think we definitely brought some energy to the residents there!
As we're narrowing down to Christmas break, the Kindergarten have been learning their last few alphabet letters during phonics. This week we read words with the letters "x" and "z" in them. First grade are still trucking along with learning grammar rules for long vowels. We've talked about long "u" and silent "gh". We've also are doing a lot of writing, and are implementing writing journals during Bible time.
The Kindergartners have started a big unit in math, money! This week we started talking about pennies and how to count them. First grade is doing a lot of work with hundred numbers, quarters, and centimeters.
Next week is the last week until Christmas break! On Thursday is the Christmas Party, with a book gift exchange. Hope everyone has a fun (and cold) weekend.
Friday, December 16, 2016
Friday, December 9, 2016
All Over the World
We have continued to travel around the world celebrating Christmas in the classroom! We started our weekly travels to England, where the kids got a kick from the Queen's Guard. While their Christmas is fairly similar to America's, we enjoy learning about Christmas trees, and making a craft.
On Tuesday we took a boat over to Holland to learn about tulips, wooden shoes, and windmills. We also learned about The history of Saint Nick (or Sinterklaas in Dutch) and how he showed Christian love to the less fortunate. We also made Christmas themed windmills.
Wednesday, the first graders traveled to Norway and France to learn about their Christmas. While we had fun making candles and singing carols (a Norway tradition), I think they were most amazed about the Chunnel.
On Thursday we took a trip to Italy to learn about their many cities and structures. We explored Italian cuisine by making Italian Hot Chocolate, which is a thick, rich drink. Many students agreed that it was amazing! Here's the recipe link to try at home!
On Friday we visited the special country of Israel. The students were amazed that that is where Jesus walked. We then made our own nativity scenes to remember that Jesus was born here.
Phonics in Kindergarten is really moving along. The children are flying through their sight words, and have been enjoying reading many books. In a few weeks we will be done with learning the letters, and start on letter blends!
Reading in First Grade is becoming tricky, but I know they are up for the challenge! We've learned many word families like "igh", "ight", "oat". and "oast". The students also created Christmas poems this week!
Math is also moving along swiftly with addition and calendar work for Kindergarten, and quarters and temperature work for First Graders.
In other news, all the first graders got 100% on their spelling test this Friday! WOOHOO! Keep up the good work!
Coming up...
Next Thursday we are planning on going to Christian Care to spread some Christmas cheer to the residents their. We welcome any parents and siblings to join us!
On December 22nd, we are planning to have our classrooms Christmas Party! I plan on getting with all the volunteers about their duties soon. We also are planning on having a small gift exchange...more details about this coming up!
On Tuesday we took a boat over to Holland to learn about tulips, wooden shoes, and windmills. We also learned about The history of Saint Nick (or Sinterklaas in Dutch) and how he showed Christian love to the less fortunate. We also made Christmas themed windmills.
Wednesday, the first graders traveled to Norway and France to learn about their Christmas. While we had fun making candles and singing carols (a Norway tradition), I think they were most amazed about the Chunnel.
On Thursday we took a trip to Italy to learn about their many cities and structures. We explored Italian cuisine by making Italian Hot Chocolate, which is a thick, rich drink. Many students agreed that it was amazing! Here's the recipe link to try at home!
On Friday we visited the special country of Israel. The students were amazed that that is where Jesus walked. We then made our own nativity scenes to remember that Jesus was born here.
Phonics in Kindergarten is really moving along. The children are flying through their sight words, and have been enjoying reading many books. In a few weeks we will be done with learning the letters, and start on letter blends!
Reading in First Grade is becoming tricky, but I know they are up for the challenge! We've learned many word families like "igh", "ight", "oat". and "oast". The students also created Christmas poems this week!
Math is also moving along swiftly with addition and calendar work for Kindergarten, and quarters and temperature work for First Graders.
In other news, all the first graders got 100% on their spelling test this Friday! WOOHOO! Keep up the good work!
Coming up...
Next Thursday we are planning on going to Christian Care to spread some Christmas cheer to the residents their. We welcome any parents and siblings to join us!
On December 22nd, we are planning to have our classrooms Christmas Party! I plan on getting with all the volunteers about their duties soon. We also are planning on having a small gift exchange...more details about this coming up!
Friday, December 2, 2016
Two Holidays!
Last week we had a lot of fun celebrating Thanksgiving in school! But, we haven't wasted any time jumping into Christmas this week!
On Tuesday last week, the whole school worked together to prepare a Thanksgiving feast! My class helped prepare the fruit salad by cutting up bananas, pulling grapes off the vine, and dumping canned fruit into the salad. A few students also dressed up as Pilgrims and Indians for the feast. We had a wonderful colony in our school!
Going into the new week, we started our Christmas social studies theme, "Christmas Around the World". In the afternoons, we hop on our "airplane" and fly to a different part of the world to learn how they celebrate Christmas. So far we have traveled to Peru, Mexico, and the Bahamas. We've learned about poinsettias, different types of holiday foods, and Spanish Christmas carols. Another way we celebrated Christmas this week is by setting up our classroom Christmas decorations. The tree is now a popular place to read and do worksheets.
We also has a special treat come in on Tuesday. The fire department put on a program that taught us about fire safety in the home. It was very entertaining with magic, puppets, jokes, and songs.
The kindergartners have has a busy few weeks in phonics. They learned to read words containing "f", "v", "m", and "o". They also finished a Christmas reader book. It's been so fun to see their progress in fluently sounding out words. In math they have begun the big concept of addition! The class seams to really enjoy it!
First graders have also been busy learning about sneaky "y", who likes to pretend to be a vowel. They have also been reading different stories about Christmas and snow. In math, they are studying the calendar, telling time to the half hour, and just starting to learn some liquid measurements.
Going through the holiday season, I have definitely been thankful for this incredible class this year. They have been such a joy to teach, and I am so blessed to get to know each and every one of them! Thank you for giving me the opportunity to be their teacher!
On Tuesday last week, the whole school worked together to prepare a Thanksgiving feast! My class helped prepare the fruit salad by cutting up bananas, pulling grapes off the vine, and dumping canned fruit into the salad. A few students also dressed up as Pilgrims and Indians for the feast. We had a wonderful colony in our school!
Going into the new week, we started our Christmas social studies theme, "Christmas Around the World". In the afternoons, we hop on our "airplane" and fly to a different part of the world to learn how they celebrate Christmas. So far we have traveled to Peru, Mexico, and the Bahamas. We've learned about poinsettias, different types of holiday foods, and Spanish Christmas carols. Another way we celebrated Christmas this week is by setting up our classroom Christmas decorations. The tree is now a popular place to read and do worksheets.
We also has a special treat come in on Tuesday. The fire department put on a program that taught us about fire safety in the home. It was very entertaining with magic, puppets, jokes, and songs.
The kindergartners have has a busy few weeks in phonics. They learned to read words containing "f", "v", "m", and "o". They also finished a Christmas reader book. It's been so fun to see their progress in fluently sounding out words. In math they have begun the big concept of addition! The class seams to really enjoy it!
First graders have also been busy learning about sneaky "y", who likes to pretend to be a vowel. They have also been reading different stories about Christmas and snow. In math, they are studying the calendar, telling time to the half hour, and just starting to learn some liquid measurements.
Going through the holiday season, I have definitely been thankful for this incredible class this year. They have been such a joy to teach, and I am so blessed to get to know each and every one of them! Thank you for giving me the opportunity to be their teacher!
Friday, November 18, 2016
Pilgrims and Indians
It was so nice to be back on Monday after missing two days last week. I'm happy to say that we had no one sick this week! This week we were able to talk a lot about the first Thanksgiving during social studies and some writing time.
On Monday we compared what the the first Thanksgiving was like, to how our Thanksgivings are today. Though their are many differences like how we dress and cook, there are also many similarities like eating with loved ones and praising God. Tuesday we talked more about Pilgrims and their journey to America. The students made step-by-step drawings of Pilgrims.
Wednesday, the first graders made a colorful chain to help them remember the story of the first Thanksgiving. On Thursday, we talked about how God used Squanto to help the pilgrims, and then made some Indian vests.
The first graders are Friday showed their thankfulness by preparing treat bags for some special people in the school who they want to thank. I won't say anymore in case they read this blog!
In phonics, the Kindergartners learned about "m" and "o", and read some word families with them. They also worked on early writing skills by writing about what they were thankful for. First grade is getting use to long vowel sounds, by practicing the rule "when two vowels go walking, the first one does the talking". Be sure to ask them to sing you the song! They also have been working on a writing project. It's about a time that made them happy.
Math has also been busy with both grades. Kindergartners are learning their "30s", while first graders have been counting coin and reading thermometers.
Next week is a short week with Thanksgiving. Tuesday is the feast, and the students are welcomed to dress up like Pilgrims or Indians that day! Hope everyone has a great weekend.
Saturday, November 5, 2016
Up Up and Away!
We had another great week in Kindergarten/First Grade! Thank you everyone who participated in any way at the auction! Every year we just feel so blessed! The students did a great job showing the blanket and car up on stage, and made a quite a bit of donations!
On Monday this week, we tested out the paper airplanes that the students had made over the weekend! I have a confession...I do not know how to make a paper airplane. Multiple students have taught me over the years...and I still can't! So, I was super impressed by some of the designs! We did three test flights, and had three different winners.
To further the sky theme this week, we also did two science experiments involving rain and wind. The first one showed how clouds hold rain, until it rains. It was fun anticipating the color to go through the cloud until it fell to the bottom of the jar. In the second experiment we made a tornado in a jar, and watched debris (aka glitter) fly around the jar.
In reading, the Kindergarteners are sounding out more and more words everyday! We introduced "a" recently, and have been working on all the "a" word families to go with it. On Thursday we played the favorite game "Stinky Feet" to help review some word families. It was a close game, with even the first graders cheering from the sidelines! Who needs baseball ;)
First Graders also have exciting news in reading, as they started their third reader book! We have also introduced long vowels this week, working closely with silent "e".
Clocks has been the new thing for both grades during math time. We've been making times, telling times, sequencing times in the day, and sorting day/night activities. First graders are also beginning to count by twos.
Next week we plan to finish off our sky theme, along with discuss what a president is on election day. Have a great weekend!
Friday, October 28, 2016
Spirit Week!
Whew it's been a fun/energetic/crazy week here at KA, both with the upcoming auction and spirit week! It's been so neat to see all the creative outfits from the kids!
Monday was backwards/mismatch day! There were many backwards shirts, pants, and mismatched color combos! The students even took it further by writing their names backwards all day!
Tuesday was animal day! It was a zoo in my room with two cats, a wolf, lobster, bear, and a bunny!
Wednesday was choose your own name day! We had lots of giggles calling each other different names like Alyssa, Bruce, Honey Bee, Chris Kratt, Rex, and Little Johnny Robinhood. My name was Mrs. Sippy, which the students thought was pretty once they understood the pun.
Thursday was crazy hair/hat day. We had some pretty good bed-head going on with some students!
Friday was class competition. The first graders put together a wedding (of friendship!) They were pretty cute walking down the isle (but don't them that I called them cute, that's not a "cool" word!). They got third place in the contest. But, they got first place in the Box Top competition this month!
The week, the students jumped back into phonics and reading with new reader books for Kindergarten, and new letter blends for first graders. In math, Kindergartners are learning about some teen numbers, and first graders have started to use their rulers to measure (in their words, FINALLY!).
We also started a new science unit, the sky! On Monday we went outside for a little observation of the sky. A red helicopter happen to fly by right when we went outside! Talk about perfect timing! On Tuesday we continued our work with the sky by talking about different types of clouds. We also recreated some clouds using puff balls. On Wednesday, the first graders created a cloud in a jar by using warm water on bottom, ice on the top, and then lighting a match in the middle. We briefly talked about why clouds form. On Thursday we talked about man-made things in the sky. After learning about parachutes, the students used their head and random material to create their own parachutes. We even went up to the mezzanine to test them out!
Monday was backwards/mismatch day! There were many backwards shirts, pants, and mismatched color combos! The students even took it further by writing their names backwards all day!
Tuesday was animal day! It was a zoo in my room with two cats, a wolf, lobster, bear, and a bunny!
Wednesday was choose your own name day! We had lots of giggles calling each other different names like Alyssa, Bruce, Honey Bee, Chris Kratt, Rex, and Little Johnny Robinhood. My name was Mrs. Sippy, which the students thought was pretty once they understood the pun.
Thursday was crazy hair/hat day. We had some pretty good bed-head going on with some students!
Friday was class competition. The first graders put together a wedding (of friendship!) They were pretty cute walking down the isle (but don't them that I called them cute, that's not a "cool" word!). They got third place in the contest. But, they got first place in the Box Top competition this month!
The week, the students jumped back into phonics and reading with new reader books for Kindergarten, and new letter blends for first graders. In math, Kindergartners are learning about some teen numbers, and first graders have started to use their rulers to measure (in their words, FINALLY!).
We also started a new science unit, the sky! On Monday we went outside for a little observation of the sky. A red helicopter happen to fly by right when we went outside! Talk about perfect timing! On Tuesday we continued our work with the sky by talking about different types of clouds. We also recreated some clouds using puff balls. On Wednesday, the first graders created a cloud in a jar by using warm water on bottom, ice on the top, and then lighting a match in the middle. We briefly talked about why clouds form. On Thursday we talked about man-made things in the sky. After learning about parachutes, the students used their head and random material to create their own parachutes. We even went up to the mezzanine to test them out!
Friday, October 14, 2016
Almost Fall Break!
I think that everyone is excited and ready for a week off of school! I hope everyone has a fun time with family and friends! Here's a few highlights from our last week of the first quarter...
*Pumpkin Farm: On Monday we went to Steele Farms to learn about agriculture, go on a hayride, get lost in a maze, pick a pumpkin, and play in corn and hay! It was a fun field trip, that was also filled with great lessons about what we use crops and animals for!
*Science Fair: This week we were also able to watch the Middle Schoolers present their science fair projects. We learn about red pandas, ponies, paper airplanes, fire, flubber, volcanoes, and rockets! You could tell the students had put a lot of hard work into their projects!
*Learning About Leaves: Throughout the week we have also been learning about leaves. The first graders learned about identifying leaves and why leaves turn green )through a flop science experience!). We also studied different colorful leaves and decorated our own fall tree!
*Tying Shoes: The kindergartners are all learning to tie shoes! They are really starting to get the hang of it! All of them had atleast one shoe tied this week!
*Pumpkin Farm: On Monday we went to Steele Farms to learn about agriculture, go on a hayride, get lost in a maze, pick a pumpkin, and play in corn and hay! It was a fun field trip, that was also filled with great lessons about what we use crops and animals for!
*Science Fair: This week we were also able to watch the Middle Schoolers present their science fair projects. We learn about red pandas, ponies, paper airplanes, fire, flubber, volcanoes, and rockets! You could tell the students had put a lot of hard work into their projects!
*Learning About Leaves: Throughout the week we have also been learning about leaves. The first graders learned about identifying leaves and why leaves turn green )through a flop science experience!). We also studied different colorful leaves and decorated our own fall tree!
*Tying Shoes: The kindergartners are all learning to tie shoes! They are really starting to get the hang of it! All of them had atleast one shoe tied this week!
Friday, October 7, 2016
Pumpkins (and Pumpkin Guts!)
This week we spent more time talking about fall, this time focusing on pumpkins. This will lead perfectly into our field trip to the pumpkin patch on Monday. On Monday, we learned more about pumpkins by discovering how they roll. The students used scientific prediction to predict if our fake pumpkin (no I wasn't brave enough to use a real one!) would roll further by pushing it or rolling it down a ramp. They then completed their own designs, and we tested out the do-able ones. We tried using the slide outside, a taller ramp, and a ramp with different materials. We didn't try pushing it down a parking garage or using a hot-wheel type track as big as our school.
Tuesday we focused more on pumpkin by using descriptive words to describe the pumpkin. We then wrote about it, and drew our own pumpkin. Thursday, we headed outside to look inside a pumpkin. We separated the different parts of the pumpkins (yes even the scientifically named "guts"), and sorted and labeled the parts.
The Kindergartners have had a busy week sounding out words and learning sight words. Their reader was the most in-depth one yet, but they really enjoyed it! In math they are learning about different measurements, and have been practicing measuring objects using paper clips.
First graders have also been busy counting nickles, pennies, and dimes this week. They have also begun to work on many different consonant blends. The students were also introduced to two of four brother, SHerman (the quiet brother) and CHarlie (the crazy brother). It's been a really fun way to teach these blends.
First graders also had a special trip on Friday. They went to Bluffton Harrison Elementary School to listen to an author speak. He was such an engaging, and funny speaker! He head them books, told stories about when he was a kid, and even drew a picture right in front of them!
*P.S. Sorry that there's not any pictures this week, I could not get my pictures to load! If you want any pictures of the author visit, I do have a few I can send you.
Friday, September 30, 2016
Apples, Lemonade, and Cookies
The cooler weather has been perfect for our new fall theme. This week we have focused on apples! On Monday we read books about apples and taste tested different types of apples. We then wrote about our favorite kind. The majority liked Granny Smith apples.
On Tuesday we learned about different things that are made from apples. They tried different apples products, and charted our favorite kinds. We then used apples to stamp paint. Thursday we learned about Johnny Appleseed, and what some truths and folktales were about him.
The Kindergartners are continuing to practice reading in phonics. They are learning new letter sounds quickly, and implementing them into their reading books. We have also been practicing some sight words, which are high frequency words that can't currently be sounded out. So far, they have learned the, is, here, mother, and love.
First Grade is also advancing in phonics. Starting our second unit, they are diving into suffixes, consonant blends, and early writing skills. They have been enjoying the new reader book, especially the story about the yak!
Finishing learning about numbers, the Kindergartners have also begun learning ordinal numbers in math class. First grade is learning to count dimes and pennies together, which has been a fun but rewarding challenge.
On Friday, the first graders had their long-awaited Lemonade and Goodies stand. It has been so neat to see their teamwork, hardworking attitudes, and manners when working with the costumers. They were busy restocking supplies, cashiering, and counting money! Thank you so much for everyone who bought supplies. We made way more than expected, so I think the money will now be used to buy an object for the upcoming auction!
Friday, September 23, 2016
School Outside of School!
This week was filled with many lessons that didn't take place in school! But first we'l talk about the lessons that did!
Kindergarten incorporated another vowel into their reading, "e". They also completed another reading book! Along with sounding out words, the students have also been practicing sight words. These are words that cannot be sound out, but are frequent in reading. The words the kindergartners have been practicing this week is here, mother, the, and is.
First grade have also done a lot of reading this week, and their almost done with their first unit reader books! They are also really diving into some English skills, like suffixes, plural verbs and nouns, and alphabetical ordering.
In math, Kindergarten has been continuing to learn numbers, and also started to go over ordinal numbers. First grade is learning more about number orders, subtraction, and coin value.
During our discover time this week, we finished up our unit about careers. On Monday the students learned about firefighters. We read a book and discussed their uniforms, truck, and what they do. We also did a little fire experiment about how fire burns using candles. On Tuesday we talked about the importance of dentists. After reading a book, we did an experiment where we brushed a pop-stained egg.
The first grade took a special trip on Friday to Walmart to prepare for their lemonade stand. More details about the stand will be sent home on Monday. It was a fun trip, where they were responsible for money, a grocery list, and finding the items.
Thursday was an exciting day, as we took a trip to Salamonie Reservoir. The DNRs prepared a nature hike where the students used their senses to learn more about the woods. They also learned about reptiles, and were able to touch a turtle, snake, and salamander! It was a beautiful day!
Kindergarten incorporated another vowel into their reading, "e". They also completed another reading book! Along with sounding out words, the students have also been practicing sight words. These are words that cannot be sound out, but are frequent in reading. The words the kindergartners have been practicing this week is here, mother, the, and is.
First grade have also done a lot of reading this week, and their almost done with their first unit reader books! They are also really diving into some English skills, like suffixes, plural verbs and nouns, and alphabetical ordering.
In math, Kindergarten has been continuing to learn numbers, and also started to go over ordinal numbers. First grade is learning more about number orders, subtraction, and coin value.
During our discover time this week, we finished up our unit about careers. On Monday the students learned about firefighters. We read a book and discussed their uniforms, truck, and what they do. We also did a little fire experiment about how fire burns using candles. On Tuesday we talked about the importance of dentists. After reading a book, we did an experiment where we brushed a pop-stained egg.
The first grade took a special trip on Friday to Walmart to prepare for their lemonade stand. More details about the stand will be sent home on Monday. It was a fun trip, where they were responsible for money, a grocery list, and finding the items.
Ready to Shop
Thursday was an exciting day, as we took a trip to Salamonie Reservoir. The DNRs prepared a nature hike where the students used their senses to learn more about the woods. They also learned about reptiles, and were able to touch a turtle, snake, and salamander! It was a beautiful day!
Ready for a hike.
Using our touch
Using our eyes
Using smell
Getting ready to touch a box turtle
Friday, September 16, 2016
More Careers!
It was a blast this week to have many different parents come in for career days! The students (and me!) learned so much about different jobs in our community. On Monday, our school cook came in to talk about what she has to do everyday to prepare lunch for the school. The students participated my making a grocery list, and then following the recipe to make a delicious milkshake!
Anxiously watching the blender as the snack on a cookie!
On Tuesday we had a hog father come in the morning and talk about the importance of farmers. He showed just how many people one pig can feed, and then showed how many a whole hog house can feed! I've really be under appreciating farmers!
On Wednesday a civil engineer came in, and talked about the work he does with bridges. He showed the class many different types of bridges, and different components that have to be considered when designing bridges. He also showed the class some tools that he has to use when inspecting bridges.
We had two special guests on Thursday. First, our high school science teacher came down and brought a prey mantis down to teach us a little about etymology. He also talked to us about another job he does, cleaning the church. The students enjoyed him racing against a sweeper to pick up some paper. He then showed us the inside of a full sweeper bag, ew! Also, in the afternoon, a dairy farmer came in to talk to us about what all happens on a farm, and what milk can be used for. She even brought in some yummy ice cream!
The students have also been busy in math. Kindergarten finished learning about numbers 1-5. They've also been counting to 20, practicing patterns, and and working with counting bears to learn one-to-one correspondence. First grade has been counting dimes, practicing subtraction, and learning place values.
First grade have also been reading like crazy! We are almost through our first reading book already! They are continuing to review letter sounds, and learning many new consonant blends. Kindergarten has read their first reader books with words in them! I wish I could of gotten a picture of their excitement when they read through the whole book. Since the beginning of school, they have also been building time on how long they can read silently. They reached ten minutes this week, so they had a special surprise of eating lunch outside!
On Friday, the first graders worked on their stand (which will be on September 30th). They placed advertisements around the school, and are excited to go grocery shopping next week!
Friday, September 9, 2016
When I Grow Up...
Fun fact, when I was in third grade, I wrote a paper about how I wanted to be a teacher when I grew up! Dream come true! We had fun talking this week about different jobs, and hearing what each other wanted to be when we grew up. We created a class book about our dream jobs, and have had enjoyed reading through it this week. The most creative page is from a hilarious kindergartner who thinks it would be cool to be a bad guy one day!
This week also started out our career days! I'm excited to have different parents come in and share about their jobs. I think that this gives the students a good view of real community helpers in our very own community. Plus, I love parent involvement in schools! On Thursday we had our first parent come in for career days, a librarian! It was great to learn more about what librarians do, and listen to a story.
The first graders have begun learning about goods, services, producers, and consumers during discover time. We are in the process of planning, working towards, and creating a lemonade and snack stand at the end of the month. While discussing these concepts, we are planning a menu, making a grocery list, earning money in school to buy groceries, and creating a sign for our stand. Later, we're planning on taking a trip to the grocery story, and making our own products!
The first graders have also been busy with phonics and reading. We have been learning different consonant blends, such as "nd" and "nt", and have been incorporating them in our reading. Our reading books have been becoming more and more advanced. We even read a mini chapter book this week! Keep reading at home! I reminded the students this week that reading doesn't have to mean reading all the words. Rather, looking through a book, spotting words you recognize or can sound out, and understanding a story through pictures!
Kindergartners are also becoming little readers! We began sounding out words such as "sit", "it", and "in". We also have our first sight words, here and is. During reading times, we have been "reading" the pictures and role playing books.
In math, first grade have been exploring more with subtraction. We also began reading bar graphs more. A funny story (probably more if you were there), I showed a picture of a bar graph and asked if anyone knew what it was (not expecting any answers). One first grade casually says, "Yeah, it's a bar graph."! I asked if she wanted to teach the lesson!
In Kindergarten, we have been diving into numbers more. We also have been reviewing shapes, comparisons, and patterns. These concepts are truly the foundations for math later on. The students have a blast with patterns! The want to make patterns out of EVERYTHING! Counting bears, words, names, sounds; truly anything. They combined many pattern links together to make an amazing chain!
Well, I hope everyone enjoys the weekend! Just a reminder that Tuesday is Midterm, so I'll be sending progress reports home. Report cards will not be sent during midterms, rather at the end of semesters.
Friday, September 2, 2016
WooHoo Week 2!
This was the second week with both grades, and things are running smoothly. The students are starting to get the routine, which makes for one happy teacher! I think my favorite thing to see this week is how the students are beginning to be more comfortable in interacting with each other!
The Kindergartners have been busy learning all about letters, their sounds, and how to sound them out in words! This week we learned about "i" and "t" and began to place them together to make the word "it"! We have also been working on finding the first letter in words and writing our names using lowercase letters.
In first grade, we have been reviewing letters and learning new word families. Reading time has been so fun! The students have been reading in the reader books, and are becoming more and more fluent readers! It's been so neat to see their progress. With each story, we have also been working with reading comprehension with questions and worksheets.
From what I've heard, math has been one of the Kindergartners favorite subject. We have been going over foundation concepts such a shapes, same/different, more/fewer, and one-to-one correspondence. Patterns has been a fun concept to go over, and the students are now seeing them everywhere!
First grades math has been moving fast as we starting with counting coins, subtraction, and place values this week! The students have been taking on the challenges though with confidence! To learn the order of first, second, third, etc; we head to the gym to have a race! We have some fast first graders!
During our Discover time, we have been talking about families and our community. The students worked on Monday and Thursday to make their own family album. During the project, we talked about our home, our family members, and what we like to do together.
On Wednesday the first graders talked about our community and the different places you can go in it. We then discussed our school, and made a map of the school.
On Friday we finished our All About Me unit by making a timeline of our past, present, and future self. We also surprised our amazing class assistant with a giant card!
On Tuesday we had a special treat by having a beekeeper come into the school and give a presentation. We were able to look at bees, see their hives, and try many different types of honey. It was a sweet experience!

Also, a big congrats to this week spellers with 100% on their test! Keep up the hard work!
One last note. The next two weeks are Career Days. It will be so neat for the student's to learn about different careers from their own parents!
The Kindergartners have been busy learning all about letters, their sounds, and how to sound them out in words! This week we learned about "i" and "t" and began to place them together to make the word "it"! We have also been working on finding the first letter in words and writing our names using lowercase letters.
In first grade, we have been reviewing letters and learning new word families. Reading time has been so fun! The students have been reading in the reader books, and are becoming more and more fluent readers! It's been so neat to see their progress. With each story, we have also been working with reading comprehension with questions and worksheets.
From what I've heard, math has been one of the Kindergartners favorite subject. We have been going over foundation concepts such a shapes, same/different, more/fewer, and one-to-one correspondence. Patterns has been a fun concept to go over, and the students are now seeing them everywhere!
First grades math has been moving fast as we starting with counting coins, subtraction, and place values this week! The students have been taking on the challenges though with confidence! To learn the order of first, second, third, etc; we head to the gym to have a race! We have some fast first graders!
During our Discover time, we have been talking about families and our community. The students worked on Monday and Thursday to make their own family album. During the project, we talked about our home, our family members, and what we like to do together.
On Wednesday the first graders talked about our community and the different places you can go in it. We then discussed our school, and made a map of the school.
On Friday we finished our All About Me unit by making a timeline of our past, present, and future self. We also surprised our amazing class assistant with a giant card!
On Tuesday we had a special treat by having a beekeeper come into the school and give a presentation. We were able to look at bees, see their hives, and try many different types of honey. It was a sweet experience!

Also, a big congrats to this week spellers with 100% on their test! Keep up the hard work!
One last note. The next two weeks are Career Days. It will be so neat for the student's to learn about different careers from their own parents!
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